Marriage Alive Digest 10 Part Series on
“Leading A Debt Free Life &
Part 1 (Continued)
Has Debt
Become Your Remedy To Your Problems?
Depending on your
financial standing, the step-by-step on this series would help you reduce or
eliminate your consumer debts.
1. Are You Spending More Than You Earn?
If you belong
to the category of over-spenders, the first thing you need to do is align your
spending with your income, which means that you start living within the confines
or limitations of what you earn.
The way to
achieve handling over-spending is to employ the “envelope budgeting system”.
Here you create a monthly plan, a budget that would apportion a precise amount
of money to every category where you spend money. Your plan should certainly not
exceed 100% of your income, and then make a 3 month pledge to stick to that plan.
Once you
start living within your means, this prepares you for the next step on the debt
elimination drive!
2. At Least 5% Reduction in Spending
Eliminating cost
from your budget may seem ordinary; but you can make it an exciting experience
as well!
Imagine if
you and your spouse begin a contest of finding 5% to cut in your daily budget list.
Yes, some things like your mortgage payment or rent may not fall into this category;
but a whole lot of what you spend money on will definitely will.
Let’s say you
spend N79,000 on foodstuff or provisions every month. A cutting of 5% would
mean about N4,000 a month. Perhaps you can buy some items in bulk and reduce
your overall spending. The bottom-line is, look for what you can cut.

Let’s assume
you are able to reduce say, N2,500 out of just 5 spending category. That would automatically
free about N12,500 every month which could be channeled towards paying your debt
or building your emergency savings fund!
3. You Must Have a Plan
Thirdly and
lastly, once you have gotten used to living on your current income and you have
succeed in reducing a certain percentage out of your spending, your last step would
be to create your debt elimination plan
or roadmap.
You need to
itemize or list all of your consumer debts, the balance you owe, and the
expected payoff date. This list should be placed where you and your spouse can
see it easily, and every time you pay off a debt, tick it off and celebrate it.
After paying
your debt, take that payment amount and roll it over to your next debt in line and
watch the balance melt away. Keep doing this until you finish paying off all of
your debts.
Depending on
your financial need, consider using a portion of any “extra cash” towards your
debt repayment. If you stick with the plan, you’ll become debt-free, and free your
family for a great financial future!
Considering the
current economic situation, there is nothing more important than ensuring that
you and your family are free from debt and prepared for whatever the future
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