Saturday, 9 August 2014

Church Cancels Funeral After Discovering Deceased Was Gay

Evans and Capers, his partner

 Tampa, Florida’s New Hope Missionary Baptist Church, canceled the funeral of Julion Evans the night before the funeral ceremony was set to go ahead after finding out he was gay.

Julion Evans had died from Amyloidosis, a disease which attacked the body's organs.
His husband Kendall Capers (his male partner) and family had planned to bury the 42-year-old at the New Hope Missionary Baptist Church.

But just hours before the solemn ceremony, church members read Evans' obituary and saw Capers described as the "surviving husband."

They phoned the family to say the funeral could not continue, telling Evans mother, Julie Atwood it would be "blasphemous" for her son's funeral to be held at the church.
She said she was told the news as she stood at her son's casket. Atwood told WFLA the news was "devastating."

According to the church pastor, T. W. Jenkins, “I try not to condemn anyone's lifestyle, but at the same time I am a man of God and have to stand upon my principles.”
The service eventually went ahead at the funeral home.
What is your take?


  1. abeg this is good for him and his family. that partner is lucky that he is not in Nigeria, he would spent time in jail! what non-sense!

  2. so they still have good pastors like this in America? God will fight for u as u fight against people destroying marriage


  4. God bless that pastor.and the church. They should taken the corpse to Obama to bury in his White House. Yeye people

  5. So they were trying to con God and the church. dat crazy partner of d deceased shuld be flogged

  6. Great job!
    Good man of God, be blessed!!
