Saturday, 14 November 2015

6 Ways To Embrace Your Husband As Head Of The Home (When You Don’t Really Want To!)

 1.            Lean more on God’s truth rather than on your feelings.
Accept than God’s wisdom is better than yours. And submitting to your husband does not take away your true essence or worth.

2.            Give your husband the honor he deserves. 
If this concept is quite challenging for you today, then go back to the time in your mind when you and your man were dating.  Most likely your guy was leading you and you probably felt like you would follow him anywhere.  Try to recapture those feelings.  This little intentional act I try to maintain in my marriage.

3.            Let go of your bitterness. 
I think it’s extremely common for the seeds of bitterness to sprout up in a wife’s heart, so make sure you pull up the weeds before your beautiful marital garden is overtaken by these unwanted pests.

4.            Start believing in your guy again. 
When you polish up your Knight and Shining Armor by your words of praise and affirmation, you might be surprised by how tall he starts to walk and the tendency he’ll have to lead and be involved.

5.            Don’t listen to the naysayers.
 The world is completely against this Biblical viewpoint and they are dead wrong in their perspective.  Even some Christians will refute God’s Word to justify their sin, so be careful in who you listen to.

Although they knew God, they did not glorify Him as God, nor were thankful, but became futile in their thoughts, and their foolish hearts were darkened. Professing to be wise, they became fools, and changed the glory of the incorruptible God into an image made like corruptible man.  

God’s Word says to ‘test all things.’ (1 Th. 5:21)   God was the one who created the institution of marriage and He knew what He was doing when He set up the guidelines.  Follow and embrace His viewpoint above all others.

6.            Realize that your desire to control and lead is due to your sin nature. 
Every wife deals with the tendency to control her husband especially when he’s not measuring up to her standards, so please know that you’re not alone.  To help you in this, learn to walk in the Spirit rather than in your flesh.

For those who live according to the flesh set their minds on the things of the flesh, but those who live according to the Spirit, the things of the Spirit.

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