and disagreement is certain to come in marriage over small issues here and
there. Couples will not always see things in the same way. But when conflict
arises, what most couples do is to ignore it and go about their normal
is a very tempting way to pretend that all is well, but it simply keeps
emotions bottled up, waiting to explore at some point, which will do greater
damage to the relationship.
there is no problem when you are angry at your spouse inside of you is simply prolonging
the conflict, which itself is a product of fear. We are afraid of
discomfort that may arise when we confront our spouse with our true feelings.
To free your mind and quickly resolve issues so they
don’t blossom to resenting feelings, here are three tips for you:
1. Don’t Go To Bed Angry At Your Spouse:
address or approach the issue before you retire. Agree to disagree temporarily,
and reassure your spouse that you love him or her.
2. Learn Your Partner’s Language:
spouse has his or her own language. Men and women speak, think, and process things
quite differently. Speaking your partner’s “language,” (now I don’t mean
dialect), you may have more chances of coming to a favorable outcome.
also means you see things from his/her perspective.
3. Strengthen Your Bond Even In
secret to here is to hold hands, touch feet or knees when you argue. The
contact keeps your energy connected and keeps you aware of your partner’s physical
closeness, even during difficult conversations.
great way to begin these steps is for you and your spouse agree to apply these
small changes well in advance, especially in a time of peace. Challenge each to
uphold these tips that let you disagree without putting your marriage in danger
of sitting on a time-bomb waiting to explode sometime, somewhere.
This is nice. But my husband is very stubborn. Once he gets angry, he becomes unapproachable. What do I then do?