Tuesday, 23 February 2016

Wearing Tight Clothing Is Dangerous

Different fashion trends keep evolving and people keep changing with them. One of the trends that have remained appealing to many people, including he married folks now, is wearing tight clothing. 

People of various shapes and sizes seem to enjoy and revel in this trend. Many of the fashionista wants to look fit and trim. But regardless of the so-called fabulous look of such clothes, there are indeed dangerous, pains and health risks from wearing tight clothing.

If you are a mother who wants to look like adolescence, you must appreciate that there are many health risks involved in squeezing yourself into tight fitting clothes.

Studies by medical practitioners have done have shown that “tight fitting” clothing including skinny jeans can cause a nerve condition called meralgia paresthetica, which is also referred to as “tingling thigh syndrome”.
According to the Canadian Medical Association Journal, “tingling thigh syndrome” causes a burning sensation under the hip bone. This could cause numbness and tingling in the legs. 

Folliculitus, a type of skin irritation was also associated excessively-tight jeans. It is common to see many people with such clothing. 

A very common danger which was discovered with women wearing ‘tight fitting’ clothing is yeast infection
can also get a yeast infection. A yeast infection thrives in a warm, moist place and they can be itchy, painful, and irritating. Tight clothing doesn’t provide enough airflow to particular areas and as it becomes moist, the wearer ends up with a terrible case of yeast infection.

The pressure of the tight clothing pushes against the stomach which  causes intra-abdominal pressure, explained  Barbara Kasey Smith of Helium, an online journal. As a result of wearing tight fitting clothing, the acid from your stomach squirts back into your esophagus, which gives you a terrible case of heartburn.

Have you ever been wearing a pair of tight jeans and felt faint? When garments are so tight around the middle area of the body, it can cause the chest not to fully expand causing breathing to be shallow. It has also been known to decrease oxygen intake and result in a person fainting.

Tight fitting clothing is also harmful for men because it can cause infertility in them and the testicles can also suffer damage.

Think before you slip into your next tight clothing article because it can be risky for your health. We all like to think we look curvy and sexy in our tight fitting jeans but actually we are causing damage to our bodies in many areas. Wouldn’t you rather save yourself all the suffering and pain and wear clothes that are comfortable and fit well?

Look for more forgiving cuts with looser legs and thighs, straight leg jeans give you the lean look without the tight fit of skinny jeans. You can opt for jeans with more stretch in them.
—Fashion and  medical online journals

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