Monday, 28 July 2014

Man Discover Five of His Six Children Are Not His!

This is indeed shocking. A successful businessman in the suburb of Lagos recently discovered that five of his six children were fathered by another man or other men.

It happened that the second to the last child of the couple who had been married for 11 years fell critically ill and needed blood transfusion at a time the mother too was recovering from another illness. As she wasn’t strong enough to donate blood, only the father was considered by the doctor. But the blood sample of the father didn’t match that of his son.

The doctor did what he had to do, ordered for blood and the child survived by the whiskers. But the queer situation aroused the man’s suspicion and he demanded for his other five children - four girls and the last boy - to go for secret DNA test.

The results revealed the unexpected. Out of the six children, only one – the second eldest child was reported to be fathered by the man and the others too were from different men. A second and third test produced the same result.

Your guess is as good as mine. The man went berserk and threw everybody away from his home and has filed for divorce. The woman who had a big store in Lagos has since closed shop and relocated from Lagos pending court process and family intervention.

But the strange thing is that the man has rejected the one child he fathered out of the six. He claims he doesn’t want anything to do with his estranged wife.

But is he right to do this? Is it because the child he fathered is a female? Is the girl not also a victim? Even if the parents split, is she not entitled to parental care from the father?

And we thought this only happens in Ghana as in the case of Odatey Lamptey the popular ex-footballer and another reported case. Must everything bad be replicated in Nigeria?

Keep you posted and await your take!

1 comment:

  1. Wonders shall never. this is why i fear women and marriage.
