Friday, 17 October 2014

Did You Marry For All The Wrong Reasons?

A huge number of people seeking to divorce their spouse after years of marriage seem to have deep negative feelings toward their partners. But the question is, if you hate the fellow so much, why married them in the first place?
A simple answer to these questions is that many of such spouses made a commitment and took a vow for ALL the wrong reasons.

Here are some of these reasons:

1.    Age:
“I am 35 years old; all her friends were either married or engaged and why should I be the “odd man out.”
Many people get to a certain age and begin to fear they may never marry. Imagine feeling old at twenty seven or that life is going to pass you by? Fear that your chances are becoming slimmer or that time is running out on your biological clock is no reason to marry!
2.    Loneliness:
“Yes, I got tired of being alone.” You must realize that being with the wrong partner on can be worse than being alone. 
If you are feeling lonely and want to add someone to your life in an attempt to give it meaning, you are “putting the cart before the horse.” Find meaning in life, learn to enjoy your own company and then invite someone in to share the life you’ve built.

3.    Sex:
Don’t confuse lust with love.  Lust is something that is easy to do. Lust colours our perceptions and allows us to make excuses for a person’s shortcomings.
In other words no one should be driven to make life altering decisions based on the fact that someone causes intense butterflies.

4.    A Desire to be Taken Care of:
A lot of women want a man who would take care of them. Some that are struggling financially, having accommodation issues or having problems with their family. Many reason that marrying and building a life with someone else was the solution to their problems.

What they don’t realize is, that they are just adding another person to the mix, someone else who had problems of his own, both financially and personally. Instead of being rescued from the problems, such people end up with more problems to deal with.

It is no wonder many marriages fail. A lot of the reasons why some people marry does not promote an enduring, satisfying, and life-long marriage.

1 comment:

  1. how about couples who didn't marry for wrong reasons yet thier home is troubled. my hubby was a good man until he got promoted. his new circle of friends led him to pushing girls everywhere until he turned to our maid. did we marry for wrong reasons?
