Thursday, 30 April 2015

I Can’t Meet Husband’s Need For Sex – What Must I do?

There are a significant number of couples that struggle with sexual problems especially the problem of sexual desire, or more accurately the lack of it, among women who love their husbands. 

These women are "willing" to make love because they are in love with their husbands and want to meet his need for sexual fulfillment. But since they do not share the same emotional need, they do not "desire" to make love. Please note the difference between willing and desire.

When one spouse has a sexual desire, while the other is only willing to make love, a problem usually surfaces. 

Sex, like all other emotional needs, is fulfilled in the truest sense only when both spouses respond to each other enthusiastically. Mere willingness is often not enough. Mutual sexual desire is often necessary to provide sexual fulfillment to the one who has the need for sex. 

Perhaps you are apparently willing to make love to your partner because you want him to be happy. But mere willingness might not do the trick. If your partner is to feel sexually fulfilled, he wants you to desire sex, just like he desires it. To some, sexual desire is interpreted as evidence of love. But if your partner lacks desire, he/she may think you are not in love with them. 

Most women however do not place sexual fulfillment among their top five emotional needs because of low levels of testosterone, which primarily drives a man’s sexual desire. 

Women tend not to "desire" making love with their husbands as much as they are "willing" to make love. One of my prime discoveries was that men and women, for whatever reasons, tend to have emotional needs in a different order of priority, so what a man needs from his wife, she usually doesn't need as much herself, and vice-versa. 

The trick to a great marriage is to meet an important emotional need for your spouse that may not be all that important for you. 

To have enjoyable marriages, couples need to find a stroke of balance. Men may need to become more dynamic in conversation and in expressing more heart-felt affection, while women need to become better lovers and recreational companions. 

When we want our spouse to flow at our level of desire for sex, we need to create the conditions that allow our partner to enjoy the experience effortlessly. 

Here simple ways to enjoy sex with less effort and to respond during the four stages of the sexual experience. 

1.         AROUSAL
What does it take for you to experience sexual arousal? This enjoyable experience is usually accompanied by vaginal secretion of lubricating fluid, which prepares it for intercourse. Without such physical preparation, and the emotional experience of arousal, intercourse can be quite unpleasant for a woman. 

Foreplay is usually essential in bringing about sexual arousal in women, but the type of foreplay that leads to arousal varies from woman to woman. In some cases, foreplay is two hours of dynamic conversation and heartfelt affection with a heavy emphasis on kissing. 

For others, it is a massage that begins with non-erogenous zones and moves to sensuous touching of the breasts and genitals. For yet others, it is a romantic movie, or dancing, or listening to music together. 

2.         PLATEAU
Do you know how to reach sexual plateau? The sexual experience of the plateau is a more intense sexual sensation than arousal, and is accompanied by an involuntary tightening of the vagina.

Many women find that intercourse during sexual arousal can lead to the plateau when they voluntarily tighten the vagina and thrust rapidly. They also find that a certain position can greatly enhance the sexual stimulation, thereby making plateau during intercourse much easier. 

Once a woman knows how to experience sexual arousal predictably and effortlessly, the next step will be to find the most effective way to reach your sexual plateau and how to let the intercourse sustain the plateau experience. 

3.         CLIMAX
Do you know how to climax? Once a woman knows how to create sexual plateau predictably, a climax is usually easy to achieve. Faster thrusting gets the job done for most women. 

And, unlike most men, women can have multiple orgasms, which mean that they can do it many times whenever they make love. 

4.         RECOVERY
After you make love, does your husband spend time talking to you and showing you affection?
Most women need at least 15 minutes to recover after love-making. They should be held by their husbands while the intense sexual experience subsides. If this stage is not completed correctly, she often leaves the sexual experience very frustrated and is less likely to want to repeat it. 

The feeling of sexual desire prior to arousal usually depends on having a positive experience in all four of these stages whenever you make love. 

Your sexual experiences of the distant past would be relevant only if you had repeatedly bad experiences in one or more of these stages, but even then, you can overcome their effect by making your present experiences predictably enjoyable. 

This analysis of the problem may seem somewhat clinical and unromantic to you, but I have seen some remarkable recoveries using it to create a treatment plan.

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