For the Part A questions, each time you answered “YES” give yourself 1 point. Each time you answered “NO” is zero points. Add up all Part A scores.
the Part B questions, each time you answered “YES” is zero points. Each time
you answered “NO” give yourself 1 point. Add up all Part B scores.
The final score is the total number of points for both parts Part A and Part B of the Relationship Problems Quiz.
The final score is the total number of points for both parts Part A and Part B of the Relationship Problems Quiz.
both the Part A and the Part B scores together to get your final score. Find
the explanation for your final score in the next paragraph below. You will know
where you stand quickly!
Problems Quiz - Results
1. Your
final score is 0 to 5 points:
A relationship problem - Essentials are lacking:
A relationship problem - Essentials are lacking:
final score is a poor result, indicating that the relationship at this moment
is poor in trust, respect or affection. You may have strong opinions or
judgments towards the other person or the relationship, hindering communication
or commitment.
may have hard feelings or stopped feeling all together when focusing on this
This result may just confirm what you already somehow know deep inside: relationship problems are going on! Or this result may come as a complete surprise to you.
Either way, this result indicates that some essential work is needed to get this relationship moving forward positively.
For now, appreciate your courage to face the true state this relationship is in.
This result may just confirm what you already somehow know deep inside: relationship problems are going on! Or this result may come as a complete surprise to you.
Either way, this result indicates that some essential work is needed to get this relationship moving forward positively.
For now, appreciate your courage to face the true state this relationship is in.
If you decide you want to improve this relationship, give yourself permission to ask for help. Appreciate your courage to look at this relationship.
If you decide you want to improve this relationship, give yourself permission to ask for help. Appreciate your courage to look at this relationship.
this over: Can you allow some hope that this relationship can improve?
2. Your
final score is 6 to 10 points:
A lot happened, but some good feeling is still there….
A lot happened, but some good feeling is still there….
relationship you are focusing on is not in a good shape at this moment. The
basics of the relationship, trust, affection, respect, communication are lacking.
lot of things may have happened, but some positive or warm feeling may still be
present. You may want to hang on to these positive feelings and from there
start taking steps to improve this relationship.
You decide if you want to improve this relationship and work on it! You can ask for help to get to a more trusting, respecting and affectionate state of this relationship.
Think this over: Do you believe you can work things out to improve this relationship to a higher level?
You decide if you want to improve this relationship and work on it! You can ask for help to get to a more trusting, respecting and affectionate state of this relationship.
Think this over: Do you believe you can work things out to improve this relationship to a higher level?
3. Your
final score is 11 to 15 points:
Good, let’s bring this relationship to an even higher level!
Good, let’s bring this relationship to an even higher level!
have made a good score in this Relationship Quiz! There are some points in this
relationship that could be better, but a good and strong basis is present in
this relationship. Certain areas can be improved to make this relationship
really fly!
• Relationship-Problems -Tips:
Let’s bring this relationship to a higher level, your experience of the relationship will heighten!
Think this over: What can you do to bring this relationship to a higher level?
• Relationship-Problems -Tips:
Let’s bring this relationship to a higher level, your experience of the relationship will heighten!
Think this over: What can you do to bring this relationship to a higher level?
4. Your
final score is 16 to 20 points:
What a wonderful relationship!
have a high or a maximum score in this Relationship Quiz. This indicates you
have a wonderful relationship with the person you are focusing on. There is
enough affection, (call it love!) respect, commitment, communication and no
hard feelings.
relationship will surely be strong enough to withstand a lot of
• Relationship-Problems-Tips:
You may want to tweak the relationship here and there to make it even more beautiful! For now, appreciate having a wonderful relationship.
• Relationship-Problems-Tips:
You may want to tweak the relationship here and there to make it even more beautiful! For now, appreciate having a wonderful relationship.
Express it! Celebrate it! Share the joy, affection and love with others! Let it
shine through in all your other relationships.
... give others some great relationship-problems-tips!
I couldn't do the final maths, but my hubby and I love each other dearly