Thursday, 9 July 2015

How Strong Is Your Marriage Team?


Would you get frustrated after a long day at work and as you arrive home you discover a house in total chaos with your spouse sitting down with kids reading a book?

You've worked hard all day giving 100% to provide for your family, can't she at least give 50% and keep the house clean!

Would your response be different if your wife was pregnant with twins and needed to rest most of the day?

Or have you ever asked your husband in a frustrated tone to mow the jungle in the back yard only to discover he had gotten up early that morning and spent 5 hours helping a friend in need move?  

Did you complain that he's not doing his share in the family, or quietly pitch in to help with the lawn?

As couples, we must realize that we are a team and on the same side. What is expected is that each party gives his/her utmost best.

And in any team, the efforts are rarely equally divided.  For example, there may be 11 people on a football team, but they all need to give 100% to win the game, not a 10% effort.

This means based on their skills and expertise, each team member may carry a heavier or lighter assignment; but still give his best.

This is how it works in the marriage team too. Do the most you can based on your ability and let your spouse do same!

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