Many people associate erectile dysfunction with growing older; and married men are more susceptible to the problem. But the simple truth is, Erectile dysfunction (ED) is NOT a natural part of aging. Men can have loving, fulfilling, and active sex lives well into old age.
ED is more common than people realize. According to the US National Institutes of Health, approximately 5 percent of men age 40 and between 15 percent and 25 percent of men age 65 experience ED on a long-term basis.
In the USA alone, an estimated 30 million men struggle with ED. The risk of erectile dysfunction increases with age but is not caused by age. About 40 percent of 40-year-olds struggle with ED and 70 percent of 70-year-olds have the same problem.
More and more researchers are recognizing the link between sexual health and chronic diseases like diabetes, high cholesterol and high blood pressure. The more advanced these diseases are, the more at risk a man is of erectile dysfunction.
ED has a strong association to cardiovascular disease. Studies have found that ED may precede a patient's heart attack by five years.
Many people don’t realize that ED actually starts when a man doesn't sustain his erections for as long as he or his partner would like. The good news is that ED can be corrected, and often times, reversed. Several studies have shown that changing your diet, exercise levels or other health habits have been shown to improve the symptoms of ED in men.
Correcting Erectile Dysfunction:
1. Exercise
A study of almost 300 racially diverse men showed that physical activity was linked to improved sexual function and erectile dysfunction symptoms. More studies have revealed that men were able to improve ED symptoms after regular exercise.
2. Quit Smoking
An extensive study showed that men with ED who were able to quit smoking cigarettes were able to improve their ED symptoms after one year, compared to the men who continued their tobacco habit.
3. Diet
A study found that men who chose a more Mediterranean diet and ate more vegetables, fruits, nuts, whole grains and olive oil improved their vascular health and "reduced the prevalence of ED in men with the metabolic syndrome."
4. Weight
It's never too late to make a lifestyle change. However, too often physicians treat ED with erectile enhancement drugs and ignore the underlying problems, but those pills may not be all that they claim to be.
According to research, Viagra, Cialis, and Levitra have less than a 50 percent refill rate, despite the happy guys that you see on the television commercials. And for those that continue taking them, these erectile-enhancing drugs impact your whole body and can produce dangerous side effects outside of the much talked-about four-hour erection.
A 2010 study from the Archives of Otolaryngology - Head and Neck Surgery demonstrated that men over age 40 who were taking erectile dysfunction drugs had a doubled risk for hearing loss.
So if things in the bedroom aren't quite what they used to be, first see your doctor to rule out other underlying health concerns. Then follow your doctor’s prescription and recommendations.
Outdoor activities are beneficial for penis health in two ways.
ReplyDeleteFor a start, walking and biking outside are great cardio exercises. They improve the flow of blood and they’ll also help you maintain a healthy weight. You don’t need to go to the gym in order to stay fit.
In addition, sunlight diminishes melatonin production. Melatonin is a hormone linked to better sleep. It, however, is known for having a negative impact on the male libido.
An hour of outdoor activity a few times per week will be sufficient to give you a healthy sex drive. In addition, you’ll be replenishing your body’s vitamin D supplies. It’s a win-win situation.
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